SSIP Accreditation Support – Exeter, Devon and the Southwest

SSIP Accreditation Support

SSIP Accreditation Support

What is SSIP?

Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) was initially founded in May 2009 by CHAS, Build UK, Constructionline, EXOR, and SEC Group with the support of the HSE. Since then, several other accreditation members have joined.

The main aim of SSIP was to simplify the contractor prequalification process and encourage straightforward mutual recognition between its members and their accreditations.

The aim of SSIP accreditation is to enable your clients to go to the SSIP website and check that you have a Health and Safety Management System in place, including access to a Health and Safety Competent Advisor.

For more information, head to the SSIP website

Why become SSIP Accredited?

Both public and private sector clients (buyers) who run their own approved or preferred list of contractors require contractors and consultants wishing to be placed on those lists to have their health and safety competence assessed at the prequalification stage. By having SSIP Accreditation this confirms that your company has a Safety Management System in place and avoids the need for you to complete multiple pre-qualification questionnaires. Note also that in many cases a prospective client (buyer) will only work with a SSIP Accredited supplier.

How do you gain SSIP Accreditation?

This is an annual desktop assessment which involves submitting worked examples of Health and Safety documents to a SSIP assessment company, normally electronically via their website portal. In normal cases, all documents need to be less than 12 months old.

What kind of documents are required as evidence?

Examples of documents required include:

  • Health and Safety Policy
  • Risk Assessments
  • Construction Phase Plans (if applicable)
  • Contractor Assessments
  • Training Records and certificates
  • Evidence of monitoring, e.g. audits, workplace inspections

Need assistance with SSIP Accreditation?

Assistance and support gaining SSIP Accreditation is free with our Retained Health and Safety Advisor Service but we also offer the service to non-retained clients.

We will assist you in completing your application and compiling the supporting information and evidence to help get your company SSIP Accredited

Benefits of using Amarisk to help you achieve SSIP Accreditation

  • We have many years of experience working with SSIP.
  • SSIP application is free with our retained health and safety service.
  • We advise on documents required and check these prior to submission.
  • 100% pass rate.

Does Amarisk have a preferred SSIP Accreditation Company?

Yes, we do. Whilst we work with many of the different SSIP Accreditation Companies, our preference is to use SMAS Worksafe In our experience, the SMAS website portal is easy to use, and we also find the service and response time is excellent.

Richard Hookway
Managing Director
Richard Hookway is the lead consultant who established Amarisk in 2005. He is a Chartered Safety Practitioner, with over 20 years generalist experience in the industry. He supports clients using a personal and common-sense approach.

Our approach is personal and specific to each client.

We call it the ‘seat-belt culture’. Most of us wear a seat belt when driving; we do this sub-consciously, and we feel uncomfortable when not wearing one. Encouraging people to embrace safety in the same manner is our principal aim.
Our Services

We are passionate about safety and best practice, and we tend to work with clients that share the same view.

Thank you for visiting our website. If you share our passion for doing things properly, we’d love to hear from you.

To get in touch, please ring our office number, or alternatively fill in the contact section and we’ll get straight back to you.

Get in touch

Amarisk Ltd
The Mount
72 Paris Street

If you’d like to find out more about us, please call our office on 01392 247026, or email us via

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